Help Those That Can’t Afford Therapy

Empifany is on a mission to improve mental wellness on a global scale.

The Empifany App is designed to expand access to a therapeutic experience. While the app is not a replacement for therapy, our hope is that the app will help to reduce the mental health stigma and make self improvement more affordable and accessible. And we need your help!

Professional Content.

Empifany utilizes a unique asynchronous approach to creating an immersive therapeutic experience. We are building a diverse group of content providers that take different approaches to a variety of mental health topics. Each course is written by a mental health professional and then edited by our team of experts.


For only $4.99 a month, the app creates space for affordable access to an immersive therapeutic experience. Your work as a professional can reach thousands more in an affordable, impactful way.

Grow With Us.

Empifany has hundreds of sessions in a our library and we plan to publish thousands more. As a mental health professional we want your help in creating more meditative stories and sharing your knowledge with people around the world.



Waiting Room Pack

Show off your work or share the app in your waiting room. Get the waiting room pack today (don’t worry, it’s free) or download the art and print them out yourself.


Become a Content Provider Today!